Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Pros and Cons of two job roles

Job role: Freelancer

In the future I would love to be a Freelance illustrator. I find this job role suitable for me because personally I don’t want to keep doing the same routine, and want to expand on my range of illustration skills. I’d like to self promote myself and become known for my art and be an inspiration to others. To me everything needs an illustration just like adding flavour to a meal. Freelancing gives me the opportunity to work with clients on what they want or even collaborate with other artists or specialists.
 The pros of taking this job role is that you have free time and can decide when you want to work and where you want to work. This job shows independence and self promoting to the highest level, giving you more freedom on what you want to achieve as an illustrator. You always work on something different which leads to new experiences, meeting new people and travel to a lot of places, visiting galleries and exhibitions.
 This is the dream job for me, but you can never look at the good side all the time. The bad points about this job role are that you’re not always guaranteed a constant, steady work flow. Therefore this will link to the lack of financial consistency. It will be hard at first to get you known in the world, and a challenge to try and connect to target clients. You will also have threats of companies plagiarising your illustrations and copy right. It’s an over all risky job and you would need the facilities to keep producing your work so you will need to find yourself.

Job role: Retailer

For part time jobs, I’ve always thought I’d be suited to work in a well known retail shop. Since I enjoy long boarding and being on the beach I wouldn’t mind working for Billabong, Quiksilver or any surf/skate brand companies as a retailer. I imagined if I took this job role I could possibly link to self promoting my illustrations to the brand and see where that could take me e.g. T shirt designs, skate board designs, mural for the shop etc.
 The pros of being a retailer is you have a steady income/ salary which is useful in many ways if you want to save money for specific equipment/ facilities to help your artwork. You get to live close to friends and family and possibly get discount on products in stores. It’s possibly easy transport to places depending on wear you live and less travel expenses. Also it gives you an easier option to settle down and find a house of your own, buy a new car etc.
 The cons of this job role are that it can be easily repetitive and can lead to boredom. You can get tied to one place, with the same structured time which gives you less freedom. You could end up not enjoying this job because it isn’t what you want to do however need the income to support your personal life like: paying the rent, monthly contracts and daily essentials.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Jack Teagle Lecture Notes

  • Freelancer for 3 years
  • Did posters, t shirts, comics
  • He exhibited his work in many galleries around the world
  • Works a lot with No Brow 
  • Self publishes comics and zines and collaborated with other artists
  • As a child his biggest influences were watching cartoons like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman   ( the Tim Burton versions)
  • Other influences were vintage comics because of the style, colour scheme and boldness
  • He was inspired by artists such as Gary Baseman and Gary Panter, they have varied work, did there own stuff and are an iconic figure to Jack
  • He was also inspired by Robert Krunt's line drawings, so did alot of practise with pen work
  • He started with Art and Language studies, combining imagery and text
  • Influenced by action figures, toys and wanted to make his own
  • Exhibited in London, DNAD
  • After graduation he found it difficult to find jobs
  • After 3 months of being unemployed, the company No Brow contacted him for a job
  • He was then pushed to do proper, professional looking comic books published by No Brow
  • Clients started to flow in, and he designed comics for America, articles and hand drawn types
  • Did an Exhibition in Portugal
  • Advice from Jack was that you never know what, where people want so try and do everything possible to get known
  • Digital work helped him get more work down faster
  • Putting everything on-line and blogging everything he does will help expose his work in the highest possible way.