Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Analysis of three Illustration resources

Ape on the moon

Ape on the moon is a blog based in London and was created by two illustrators, Alex Mathers and Phillip Dennis. This website was designed to blog contemporary illustration and is updated regularly. It has a great archive which features a huge range of illustrators, so has a good source for unlimited illustration that you can be inspired by and influenced by. This is a good website to gain research, learn and understand and appreciate illustrator’s artworks. It is a very simple, well structured and easy to navigate. It links with other social networks like Facebook and Twitter so that audiences can comment the work. However it doesn't have links to other comparing websites to widen the options and choices. It’s not interactive and is not the ideal website to showcase work of something similar. Since this website is to present illustration only it could categorise types of illustration to help the user to find specific art such as the website ‘Illustrationweb’. The comparison to Illustrationweb is quite large in population standards. The information on Ape on the moon is very limited where only the creators describe the illustrator’s artwork instead of themselves although the website does have good support network to back up its reputation.

Deviant Art

Deviant Art is a website for sharing illustration. Anyone can join which is why this site has a huge social network reputation, giving feedback and comments. Deviant Art could be an ideal place to showcase artwork, have personal space; self promote and create a fan base. You can easily keep in touch with the audience and have a casual social network. This could be really useful if you’re looking for work and have been contacted, this is an easy way to connect with people. As resources and support network Deviant Art is very useful.
However there are also negatives about this website, because it’s so big and popular with not just illustrated based imagery the website has lost its artistic integrity, and I feel that your artwork might be lost within the chaotic mass the website has already produced. The layout of this site is very busy and hard to navigate at times, and compared to other illustration websites such as Illustration Age or Illustration web, it isn’t as professional with the way they present and share artwork. If you wanted to self promote work I would not recommend Deviant Art as one of the top websites to do so, it’s more effective in building your fan base.

Illustration Web

Illustration Web is a great way to showcase your work for potential clients. This website acts like an agency but without the fees, giving a professional feel to it, it is described as a talent spotter for illustrators. It is a good reliable source for research and studying purposes because it shows the artists profile and descriptions along with their artwork. This website is very much based on clients as their target audience to help them find the right illustrator for their needs. Compared to other websites such as Illustration Mundo, it provides expertise on information about the illustrator and feels more professional. It doesn’t have much of a social network compared to Mundo but in a way that’s not a bad thing since it was created purely for prospective clients.
 The structure of the site is very well placed and set up, categorising styles and types of art which again means that it is relatively easy to find specific illustration for certain jobs.
 However I feel because it’s so professional not anyone can showcase their work here. Only if you sell yourself well enough that you can acquire a request to be put on this website. It isn’t updated as much as other comparison websites but it still has a huge range of illustrations to be inspired and be influenced.

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