Selling work locally
Selling locally can help you start promoting your own work
and also gives the opportunity to meet face to face with consumers, talk to
them personally about your work and get feedback from them. This will help
improve on your communication skills and help develop your work in the future
from the public’s opinion. It also gives a very creative atmosphere and shows
what you have achieved. Another good point to sell locally is that you can
physically see and maybe touch the artwork, observe and have a first hand feel
of what it’s like.
There are also bad
points promoting locally as well. Transportation of work can be slightly
awkward and difficult. The competition will be high because of the amount of
artist’s artwork selling along side so will cause a problem financially. Your
personality will definitely have an effect on the target audience which decides
on their interests in your work. Manning a stall can be time consuming and lead
to being unproductive compared to selling work online, which is faster and
easier to organise.
I like the idea of
selling my work locally because I find it’s a good start to self promotion. It
also gives you a taster and the experience of meeting people, and to show off
your work in your own way.
Selling work broad
Selling your work broad is a
wider option outside your local area. It involves a lot of digital aspects and
the audience is much bigger as you are promoting to pretty much the world
instead of a specific area. The Internet is a good source, making it the
fastest and easiest way to get your work known and available to the target
audience. There are numerous of websites and events that can help illustrators,
such as Etsy and Deviant art websites. This is a great way to promote you,
sell, build a reputation and fan base.
The pros of selling work broad
are that it is financially effective; opening to a much wider audience can
produce a lot of interests. It’s not as time consuming as selling locally and
you can easily create contacts. Transportation will also not be an issue.
However selling broad is very impersonal, you will not be able to meet face to
face with contacts and consumers can’t physically see or touch the selling
artwork. Customers would solely rely on the image on the website. Certain
things about the product can be misleading and can be easily misunderstood by
the consumer, which links to how reliable it is. This method of selling is also
dependant on technology so would have to constantly check the Internet otherwise
you will lose interest and money.
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